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Version: 1.1.0


In this section, you will learn about Core.

  • Approximate learning time
    • 60 min
  • Unity Version
    • 2021.3.20f1

You will start by creating a project and introducing Core features, as well as VContainer and UniRx, to build the application architecture assumed by Extreal.

Create project


First, let's create a project.

Create a new project from Unity Hub.

create project

  • Editor version: 2021.3.20f1
  • Template: 3D
  • Project name: ExtrealCoreLearning

Once the Unity editor starts, run it to make sure there are no problems.

Let's run SampleScene. Since nothing is placed in the scene, nothing will happen. If nothing appears in the Console, it is a successful.

Create entry point


Create a directory for the application and an App scene to serve as the entry point.

App Scene

  • Remove the initial Assets/Scenes directory
  • Create a directory that will become Assets/ExtrealCoreLearning/App
  • Create an App scene in the App directory

Add Logging

Add Logging to the application.


Add Logging from Package Manager.

Add Logging by specifying a Git URL. Git URL is obtained from Package of Logging.

Add Logging

If Extreal.Core.Logging is added to Package Manager, it is successful. The version depends on the timing of implementation.


Allow scripts to reference Logging.

Set Logging to Assembly Definition for the application.

Logging Assembly Configuration

  • Create an Assembly Definition named ExtrealCoreLearning in the ExtrealCoreLearning directory
  • Specify ExtrealCoreLearning as the Root Namespace
  • Add Extreal.Core.Logging to the Assembly Definition References
  • Uncheck Use GUIDs in Assembly Definition References

Add a Logging setting since we want to output Debug-level logs for development.

Since the default logging level for Logging is Info, add Logging Settings to change the logging level.

Create an AppTest script in the App scene by referring to Logging Settings.

  • Create an AppTest script in the App directory
  • Create a GameObject with the AppTest script attached in the App scene
using Extreal.Core.Logging;
using UnityEngine;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.App
public class AppTest : MonoBehaviour
private static void InitializeApp()
const LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Debug;
LoggingManager.Initialize(logLevel: logLevel);

private void Awake()

Since it is not possible to check the operation of Logging as it is, add processing so that logging is output immediately after initialization of Logging.

private static void InitializeApp()
const LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Debug;
LoggingManager.Initialize(logLevel: logLevel);

var logger = LoggingManager.GetLogger(nameof(AppTest));
if (logger.IsDebug())
logger.LogDebug("Hello, world!");

Run the App scene. If the Console outputs Hello, world!, it is successful.

Logging assembly configuration

Add Stage Navigation

Add Stage Navigation to the application.


Stage Navigation depends on UniTask and UniRx, so add UniTask and UniRx first.

UniTask and UniRx are provided by OpenUPM, so add OpenUPM settings. Go to Edit -> Project Settings... -> Package Manager and add OpenUPM to Scoped Registries.

Add Unitask

  • Name:
  • URL:
  • Scope(s):
    • UniTask
    • UniRx

Now that UniTask and UniRx have been added, make Stage Navigation available from the script.

Stage Navigation depends on Common, so add Common as well.

Operate the Package Manager and Assembly Definition in the same manner as for Logging. The Git URLs for Common and Stage Navigation are obtained from Package for Common and Package for Stage Navigation. Also set UniTask and UniRx in Assembly Definition.

Add Stage Navigation

To test the stage navigation, let's add a title screen and transition to the title screen immediately after launching the app.


First, add a title screen.


  • Create a TitleScreen directory in the same hierarchy as the App directory
  • Create a TitleScreen scene in it
  • Remove the default GameObjects such as the camera from the TitleScreen scene and make the scene empty
  • Add a Canvas to the scene. In the inspector, make the following settings Title Screen Canvas
    • Canvas Scaler
      • UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
  • Add an Image under the Canvas. Make the following settings in the inspector Title Screen Image
    • Rect Transform
      • Anchor Presets
        • X: stretch
        • Y: stretch
      • All from Left to Buttom are 0 (Zero)
    • Image
      • Color
        • Hexadecimal: FF6F61
  • Add Text - TextMeshPro under Image
    • Create a title Extreal Core Learning
    • You can decide the size and position freely
    • When the TMP Importer appears, select Import TMP Essentials. Only the first time you use TextMeshPro, the TMP Importer will appear. Once imported, close the TMP Importer
  • Add Button - TextMeshPro under Image
    • Create a button called Go
    • You can decide the size and position of this button freely as well

Now that the title screen has been added, create the stage settings.

Refer to Settings for Stage Navigation to create stage settings. The three types to be created in the stage settings are placed in the App directory.

public enum StageName
TitleStage = 0,
public enum SceneName
TitleScreen = 100,

Once the three types have been created, create a StageConfig object.


  • Create a StageConfig object in the App directory from the Assets menu
  • Set the stage of the title screen in the StageConfig object

Now that the stage transition is ready, add a processing to make the transition to the title screen immediately after the application is launched.

  • Add the SerializeField and Start method to the AppTest script
  • Specify the StageConfig object in the inspector
using Extreal.Core.Logging;
using Extreal.Core.StageNavigation;
using UnityEngine;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.App
public class AppTest : MonoBehaviour
private static void InitializeApp()
// Omitted due to no changes

private void Awake()
// Omitted due to no changes

[SerializeField] private StageConfig stageConfig;

private void Start()
var stageNavigator = new StageNavigator<StageName, SceneName>(stageConfig);

Let's run the App scene.

Running the App scene in this state will result in the following error.

Stage transition error

Add a TitleScreen scene to Scenes In Build in Build Settings.


Let's run the App scene again.

If the title screen appears and the Console shows [Debug:StageNavigator] Transitions to 'TitleStage', it is successful.

Stage transition success

Apply MV(R)P pattern

That is all the Core features that Extreal provides, but we would like to add VContainer to get closer to the application architecture assumed by Extreal.


Add an avatar selection screen to which the title screen transitions.

The avatar selection screen is only used as a transition destination, so it is created by copying the title screen.

Avatar Selection Screen

  • Create an AvatarSelectionScreen directory in the same hierarchy as the App directory
  • Create an AvatarSelectionScreen scene in it
  • Remove the default GameObjects such as the camera in the AvatarSelectionScreen scene and make the scene empty
  • Copy the Canvas and EventSystem from the TitleScreen scene and paste them into the AvatarSelectionScreen scene
  • Change the title to Avatar Selection

Then add the stage settings.

Avatar Selection Stage Configuration

  • Add AvatarSelectionStage to StageName and AvatarSelectionScreen to SceneName
  • Add AvatarSelectionStage in the StageConfig object inspector

Add the AvatarSelectionScreen scene to Scenes In Build in Build Settings.

The UI and stage settings are ready.


Add VContainer to your application.

VContainer is obtained from OpenUPM as well as UniTask and UniRx.

Go to Edit -> Project Settings... -> Package Manager and add the Scope(s) from OpenUPM.

Add VContainer

  • VContainer:

Then add VContainer to Package Manager and Assembly Definition.

VContainer setting

  • Select Packages: My Registries in Package Manager and install VContainer
  • Set VContainer to Assembly Definition of the application

Now you can use VContainer.


Rebuild the AppTest created for confirmation using VContainer.


First, create a Presenter script as an entry point.

Create it in the App directory. When the App scene starts, make the transition to the title screen.

using System.Threading;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Extreal.Core.StageNavigation;
using VContainer.Unity;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.App
public class AppPresenter : IAsyncStartable
private StageNavigator<StageName, SceneName> stageNavigator;

public AppPresenter(StageNavigator<StageName, SceneName> stageNavigator)
this.stageNavigator = stageNavigator;

public async UniTask StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellation)
await stageNavigator.ReplaceAsync(StageName.TitleStage);

Next, create a Scope script as a LifetimeScope for VContainer.

Create it in the App directory. Override Awake in the Scope script to configure Logging before VContainer processing.

using Extreal.Core.Logging;
using Extreal.Core.StageNavigation;
using UnityEngine;
using VContainer;
using VContainer.Unity;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.App
public class AppScope : LifetimeScope
[SerializeField] private StageConfig stageConfig;

private static void InitializeApp()
const LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Debug;
LoggingManager.Initialize(logLevel: logLevel);

var logger = LoggingManager.GetLogger(nameof(AppScope));
if (logger.IsDebug())
logger.LogDebug("Hello, world!");

protected override void Awake()

protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)
builder.Register<StageNavigator<StageName, SceneName>>(Lifetime.Singleton);


StageConfig, StageNavigator and AppPresenter as entry points are registered. With this registration, StageConfig is set to StageNavigator and StageNavigator is set to AppPresenter. In this way, the DI container provided by VContainer is used to build up the object structure so that each object can execute processing.


Set the Scope script to the App scene.


  • Create a GameObject with the AppScope script attached to the App scene with the name Scope.
  • Set the StageConfig object in the inspector
  • Remove the AppTest script and the GameObject with the AppTest script attached in the App scene as they are no longer needed

Run the App scene. If the title screen and Console log output appear as before, it is successful.


Implement the Go button on the title screen using UniRx.


Create a View script for the title screen.

Create it in the TitleScreen directory.

using System;
using UniRx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.TitleScreen
public class TitleScreenView : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Button goButton;

public IObservable<Unit> OnGoButtonClicked
=> goButton.OnClickAsObservable().TakeUntilDestroy(this);

This defines OnGoButtonClicked, which notifies an event when the Go button is pressed using UniRx.


Next, create a Presenter script that will transition to the avatar selection screen when the Go button is pressed.

Create it in the TitleScreen directory.

using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using Extreal.Core.Common.System;
using Extreal.Core.StageNavigation;
using ExtrealCoreLearning.App;
using UniRx;
using VContainer.Unity;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.TitleScreen
public class TitleScreenPresenter : DisposableBase, IInitializable
private StageNavigator<StageName, SceneName> stageNavigator;

private TitleScreenView titleScreenView;

private CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable();

public TitleScreenPresenter(StageNavigator<StageName, SceneName> stageNavigator,
TitleScreenView titleScreenView)
this.stageNavigator = stageNavigator;
this.titleScreenView = titleScreenView;

public void Initialize()
titleScreenView.OnGoButtonClicked.Subscribe(_ =>

protected override void ReleaseManagedResources()

This maps the event notification of the Go button to the transition to the avatar selection screen.

It is recommended that a class that disposes implement the Dispose Pattern. To apply the Dispose Pattern, TitleScreenPresenter inherits from the DisposableBase class provided by Common and implements the managed resources release processing in the ReleaseManagedResources method. Please refer to Common for details on how to apply the Dispose Pattern.


Last, create a Scope script that ties the View and Presenter together.

Create it in the TitleScreen directory.

using UnityEngine;
using VContainer;
using VContainer.Unity;

namespace ExtrealCoreLearning.TitleScreen
public class TitleScreenScope : LifetimeScope
[SerializeField] private TitleScreenView titleScreenView;

protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)


Set the View and Scope scripts to the TitleScreen scene.


  • Create a GameObject with the TitleScreenView script attached to the TitleScreen scene with the name View
  • Set up a Button object in the inspector
  • Create a GameObject with the TitleScreenScope script attached to the TitleScreen scene with the name Scope
  • Set the View object in the inspector

Let's run the App scene.

If you run the App scene in this state, you will get the following error.


StageNavigator is set to TitleScreenPresenter, but it is not registered in the scope, resulting in the error. This error occurs because StageNavigator is in AppScope and TitleScreenPresenter is in TitleScreenScope, which are different scopes.

In VContainer, you can specify the parent of a scope to extend the object's search range to the parent. Specifying AppScope for Parent in the TitleScreenScope inspector resolves this error.


In this way, scopes are created with hierarchy in mind. Design the overall scope so that the commonly used scopes are more parental.


Let's run the App scene again.

If you can transition from the title screen to the avatar selection screen, it is successful.

Next Step

This concludes our hands-on with Core. Thank you for your time.

Through this hands-on, you have already built the features required for the application architecture assumed by Extreal. As a next step, you might be interested in how the architecture you built in this hands-on will be used in a more serious application. To meet your expectations, we provide Sample Application as an example of a full-scale implementation. Please take a look at Sample Application.