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Version: 1.2.0

P2P using WebRTC

What for?

P2P(Peer to Peer) is a means of communicating in virtual spaces, etc., with the lowest possible cost.

P2P can be realized relatively easily by using WebRTC, but since P2P connection establishment is a similar processing, it is provided as a common feature. By using this common feature, application-specific P2P can be realized by simply adding data channel and media stream processing.

This module provides base P2P features for Native(C#) and WebGL(JavaScript).


  • You can establish a host/client P2P connection.
  • You can add processing to trigger P2P state.
  • You can add application-specific processing to Native(C#) P2P.
  • You can add application-specific processing to WebGL(JavaScript) P2P



classDiagram PeerClientProvider ..> PeerClient PeerClient <|-- NativePeerClient PeerClient <|-- WebGLPeerClient PeerClient ..> PeerConfig class PeerClientProvider { +Provide(peerConfig)$ PeerClient } class PeerClient { <<abstract>> +OnStarted IObservable +OnConnectFailed IObservable +OnDisconnected IObservable +IsRunning bool +StartHostAsync(name) void +ListHostsAsync() List +StartClientAsync(hostId) void +Stop() void } class PeerConfig { +SignalingUrl string +SocketOptions SocketIOOptions +IceServerUrls List } class NativePeerClient { } class WebGLPeerClient { }


classDiagram WebGLPeerClient ..> WebGLHelper PeerClient <.. WebGLHelper PeerAdapter ..> PeerClient class WebGLPeerClient { <<C#>> } class WebGLHelper { <<C#>> } class PeerAdapter { <<TypeScript>> +adapt() void } class PeerClient { <<TypeScript>> +role PeerRole +hostId string +addPcCreateHook(hook) void +addPcCloseHook(hook) void +startHost(name, handle) void +listHosts(handle) void +startClientAsync(hostId) void +stop() void }

In P2P, the application and the signaling server cooperate to establish a P2P connection. In order to establish a P2P connection, this module provides a feature that assumes the following processing flow. When one user becomes a host and another user joins the host, a P2P connection is established with the host and the users already joined to the host.

sequenceDiagram actor Host participant Signaling actor Client actor ClientsAlreadyJoined Host->>Signaling: create host alt Succeeded Signaling-->>Host: 200 "Host have been created" else Host already exists Signaling-->>Host: 409 "Host already exists" end Client->>Signaling: list hosts Signaling-->>Client: 200 host list or empty list Client->>Signaling: message "join" Signaling-->>Host: message "join" Host->>Signaling: message "offer" Signaling-->>Client: message "offer" Client->>Signaling: message "answer" Signaling-->>Host: message "answer" Host->>Signaling: message "done" Signaling-->>Client: message "done" Host->>Signaling: message "call me" Signaling-->>ClientsAlreadyJoined: message "call me" ClientsAlreadyJoined->>Signaling: message "offer" Signaling-->>Client: message "offer" Client->>Signaling: followed by "answer" to "done" but omitted

This module uses Vanilla ICE, which has simple logic, for WebRTC route information gathering. Vanilla ICE waits for all the route information gathering to be completed, so it may take a long time (e.g., 40 seconds) depending on the network environment. Since there is a high possibility that a connection can be established without waiting for all the routing information to be gathered, this module provides a timeout for Vanilla ICE to stop route information gathering after a short period of time. The default is 5 seconds. this timeout can be changed using PeerConfig.







This module uses the following packages.




Signaling server

Signaling server is provided by Docker Compose. Please refer to README to prepare your signaling server.


Create a PeerClient using PeerClientProvider. Specify the URL of the signaling server when creating the PeerClient.

public class ClientControlScope : LifetimeScope
protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)
var peerConfig = new PeerConfig("");
var peerClient = PeerClientProvider.Provide(peerConfig);

If you want to use it with WebGL, initialize it further with JavaScript. Create a PeerAdapter and call the adapt function.

import { PeerAdapter } from "@extreal-dev/extreal.integration.p2p.webrtc";

const peerAdapter = new PeerAdapter();

For a development environment using TypeScript, please refer to sample in this module.


Establish a host/client P2P connection

This module provides host/client oriented features to establish a P2P connection. These features are provided by PeerClient.

First, create a host by specifying a name. The user who created it becomes the host. If the name is duplicated, a HostNameAlreadyExistsException is thrown.

await peerClient.StartHostAsync("host name");

The client(user who wants to join a host) gets a list of hosts.

var hosts = await peerClient.ListHostsAsync();

A list of Hosts with their Id and Name is returned, and the client joins the Host using the Host's Id obtained here. The client requests to join a host and establishes a P2P connection with the host and other clients that have already joined the host.

await peerClient.StartClientAsync(hostId);

If the host is shut down or the client leaves the host, the P2P connection is stopped.


Add processing to trigger P2P state

PeerClient has the following event notifications

  • OnStarted
    • Timing: Immediately after the host or client starts
      • Host
        • Immediately after the host is created
      • Client
        • Immediately after all of the following conditions are met
          • Receives "done" from the host
          • IceConnectionState becomes Connected or Completed
    • Type: IObservable
    • Parameters: None
  • OnStartFailed
    • Timing: Immediately after host or client failed to start
      • If the start processing times out, the start is assumed to have failed.
      • The default timeout is 15 seconds. The timeout can be changed using PeerConfig.
    • Type: IObservable
    • Parameters: None
  • OnConnectFailed
    • Timing: Immediately after the host or client has failed to connect to the signaling server
    • Type: IObservable
    • Parameters: Reason for connection failure
  • OnDisconnected
    • Timing: Immediately after a host or client connected to the signaling server is disconnected
    • Type: IObservable
    • Parameters: Reason for disconnection

Add application-specific processing to Native(C#) P2P

PeerClient has hooks that can add processing at the start and end of a P2P connection.

peerClient.AddPcCreateHook((id, isOffer, rtcPeerConnection) =>
// do something

peerClient.AddPcCloseHook((id) =>
// do something

These hooks are used to add application-specific features to P2P by manipulating data channels and media streams. An example implementation for creating a data channel is as follows.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Extreal.Core.Logging;
using Unity.WebRTC;

namespace Extreal.Integration.P2P.WebRTC.MVS.ClientControl
public class NativeDataChannelClient : DataChannelClient
private static readonly ELogger Logger = LoggingManager.GetLogger(nameof(NativeDataChannelClient));

private static readonly string Label = "sample";

private readonly Dictionary<string, RTCDataChannel> dcDict;

public NativeDataChannelClient(NativePeerClient peerClient)
dcDict = new Dictionary<string, RTCDataChannel>();

private void CreatePc(string id, bool isOffer, RTCPeerConnection pc)
if (dcDict.ContainsKey(id))

if (isOffer)
var dc = pc.CreateDataChannel(Label);
HandleDc(id, dc);
pc.OnDataChannel += (dc) => HandleDc(id, dc);

private void HandleDc(string id, RTCDataChannel dc)
if (dc.Label != Label)

if (Logger.IsDebug())
Logger.LogDebug($"New DataChannel: id={id} label={dc.Label}");

dcDict.Add(id, dc);
dc.OnMessage = message => Logger.LogDebug(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message));

private void ClosePc(string id)
if (!dcDict.TryGetValue(id, out var dc))

public override void Clear()

Add application-specific processing to WebGL(JavaScript) P2P

WebGL(JavaScript) is a bit more extensive than Native(C#) because it requires C# and JavaScript to work together. The mechanism is the same as Native(C#), using hooks to add application-specific processing to P2P.

An example implementation for creating a data channel is shown below. The major difference is that the PeerClient is obtained from the PeerClientProvider function.

import { PeerClientProvider } from "@extreal-dev/extreal.integration.p2p.webrtc";

class DataChannelClient {
private readonly label: string = "sample";
private readonly isDebug: boolean;
private readonly dcMap: Map<string, RTCDataChannel>;
private readonly getPeerClient: PeerClientProvider;

constructor(getPeerClient: PeerClientProvider) {
this.isDebug = true;
this.dcMap = new Map();
this.getPeerClient = getPeerClient;

private createPc = (id: string, isOffer: boolean, pc: RTCPeerConnection) => {
if (this.dcMap.has(id)) {

if (isOffer) {
const dc = pc.createDataChannel(this.label);
this.handleDc(id, dc);
} else {
pc.addEventListener("datachannel", (event) => this.handleDc(id,;

private handleDc = (id: string, dc: RTCDataChannel) => {
if (dc.label !== this.label) {

if (this.isDebug) {
console.log(`New DataChannel: id=${id} label=${dc.label}`);

this.dcMap.set(id, dc);

private closePc = (id: string) => {
const dc = this.dcMap.get(id);
if (!dc) {

public clear = () => {

export { DataChannelClient };

PeerClientProvider is provided by PeerAdapter, which appeared in Settings. PeerAdapter holds PeerClient internally and defines the interaction between C# and JavaScript.

To do P2P with WebGL, first create a PeerAdapter and call its adapt function. Then, use the getPeerClient function of the PeerAdapter to add application-specific processing like the DataChannelClient described earlier.

The timing of calling application-specific processing is important here. Be careful not to initialize the processing added by the application (in this case, DataChannelClient) before PeerClient in C#. The C# PeerClient is initialized at the timing when the Provide method of PeerClientProvider is called.

Use Web.Common to control the timing of the call from C#.

import { addAction } from "@extreal-dev/extreal.integration.web.common";
import { PeerAdapter } from "@extreal-dev/extreal.integration.p2p.webrtc";
import { DataChannelClient } from "./DataChannelClient";

const peerAdapter = new PeerAdapter();

let dataChannelClient: DataChannelClient;
addAction("start", () => dataChannelClient = new DataChannelClient(peerAdapter.getPeerClient));
addAction("clear", () => dataChannelClient.clear);

Create a C# caller. Use WebGLHelper in Web.Common.

using Extreal.Integration.Web.Common;

namespace Extreal.Integration.P2P.WebRTC.MVS.ClientControl
public class WebGLDataChannelClient : DataChannelClient
public WebGLDataChannelClient() => WebGLHelper.CallAction("start");

public override void Clear() => WebGLHelper.CallAction("clear");